MBCG Australia

Design work developed for a starting non-profit organisation specialising in helping metastatic breast cancer patients across Australia. This project includes developing the brand identity as well as promotional materials.

Project Overview

MBCG Australia started as a group of like-minded professionals wanting to use their experience to call out the lack of services for women living with metastatic breast cancer. It has evolved into them feeling as though they need to establish themselves as an entity - a brand - that can go out into the market doing research, advocating, training and providing resources to health professionals.

The target audience of this project is primarily health professionals, however, the branding should be respectful to the women who are living with metastatic breast cancer.


The scope of the project is to create:

  • Naming support

  • Logo

  • Colour palette

  • Graphics device

  • Stationery

Through these deliverables, the organisation would have the foundation to launch its business into the market. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to be recognised and get responses from the health industry in Australia.

Concept & Ideation

MBCG Australia required a logo that is clean and simple to show them as a viable and serious entity. They also preferred something that could associate them with the women with MBC, hence the dragonflies as they have a story and meaning relating to the patients. Regarding the colour palette, purple is the primary colour as it is the designated colour for raising awareness about this specific stage of breast cancer. It was heavily emphasised not to use the pink colour because it is a recognised colour for primary breast cancer patients.

The graphic devices created utilised elements used in the primary logo, creating a cohesive visual design. These touchpoints would be able to be applied for their corporate branding, campaign branding, or material used when MBCG Australia is doing their research. The stationery incorporated the graphic elements that had been created, showing a holistic approach to their branding. The stationery required was letterheads, compliment slips, envelopes, and lastly a one-page website design to show who the clients are and what they are doing.


The challenge I encountered in this project was to ensure consistent design throughout the branding. I had to then address the client’s preferences in the design while also trying to communicate the brand’s vision. The limited time frame was also a challenge, additionally, there was little opportunity to communicate with the client.

This project underscored the importance of proper time frames and effective communication with the client. Additionally, it provided valuable lessons in creating a consistent and unified visual identity.